Sorting lines for waste processing

The separation and sorting of waste with their subsequent recovery is currently an area of the economy in Slovakia that is developing very quickly and is supported by state and European institutions.

Among the selected "turnkey" projects, including design, production, delivery, assembly and subsequent service, are the following implementations:

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Implementation of sorting lines

Sorting line for sorting plastics and Al-Fe packaging in Brno.

Optical sorting line for sorting plastics and Al-Fe packaging in Kočovce.

Automated separation center for the processing of selected types of plastic waste in Trnava.

Automatic sorting line for sorting and crushing plastic municipal waste in Žilina.

Automatic sorting line for sorting plastic waste in Kolárovo.

Automatic sorting center for sorting pre-separated plastic waste in Pezinok.

Automatic sorting line for processing plastic and paper waste in Bratislava.

Manual sorting workplace for sorting municipal plastic waste with allocation in Bratislava.

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